No fan brush? No problem!
Let's face it, contouring and higlighting is a big thing now. Not having a fan brush is a problem that needs to be adressed but you don't know if you want to buy one, what size to get, or if you will actually use it. If that is you in any way, shape or form, I heavily recommend using this simple makeup hack.
All you need is an old blusher brush and a bobby pin/grip. Simply place the bobby grip so it goes over all the bristles, therefore fanning the brush out. Here is your fan/blusher brush which is actually very useful on the go and will safe space in your makeup bag. Win win? I think so.
All you need is an old blusher brush and a bobby pin/grip. Simply place the bobby grip so it goes over all the bristles, therefore fanning the brush out. Here is your fan/blusher brush which is actually very useful on the go and will safe space in your makeup bag. Win win? I think so.
Thanks for the picture Pinterest!
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