MAC lip conditioner

So, I did a little testing with the MAC lip conditioner. I suffer from dry, cracked lips no matter what products claim they can help chapped lips. Having tried several of these claimants before I kind of didn't expect much from the conditioner. The amazing thing is that it leaves this really glossy look on your lips and completley masks my peeling lips, which is great! Until of course it wears off after about half an hour. With my usual vaseline etc I wouldn't mind topping it up eveyr half an hour, but there is not enough to do that every half hour every day. If you were to have a photo then I would apply this a minute, so it's useful in that aspect at least. Also, it has a very nice smell but the taste is quite vile (like any respectable lip conditioner) but it does taste quite nasty. In the unlikely event that this will not go in your mouth, I am to say that you are extremely lucky.

The results are a little questionable too, some saying that it dries their lips out and others saying it makes theirs soft. Me personally, it helped with the 'dead skin' on the top of the lip but made my actual lip feel quite tight afterwards. If you would like that 'dead' lip gone, this is the product but it just isn't really worth the £12.50 price tag. Being from MAC I expected a little more, maybe if it was £7 I would consider buying it again for before photos and things.


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